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基于社会治理结构演变的乡村公共空间 响应特征研究——以西安白鹿原地区乡村为例
从社会治理结构演变的视角来透视乡村公共空间特 征的变化,选取近代以来社会治理结构演变特征明显的西安 白鹿原地区乡村为典型案例,通过资料查阅、现场踏勘和深度 访谈,分析不同时代背景下该区域乡村所衍生出的社会治理 结构,并揭示出不同社会治理结构下乡村公共空间响应特征 规律。经研究认为,近代以来该地区乡村社会治理结构经历 了“自治-扁平化-原子化-行政强干预”的发展阶段,乡村公 共空间相应呈现出“繁荣发展-异化-全面衰退-离散化”的特 征。最后,通过分析得出公共空间特征与当时乡村社会治理结 构具有很强的关联性,其在时间轴上的演变实质上是新空间与 新乡村社会治理结构的再关联。
关键词:  风景园林  社会治理结构  社会-空间一体  公共 空间  空间响应  白鹿原地区
Study on the Response Characteristics of Rural Public Space Based on the Evolution of Social Governance Structure: A Case Study of the Villages in Bailuyuan Area of Xi'an
WEI Ping,LIN Baogang,ZHANG Xiaoru
From the perspective of the evolution of social governance structure, this paper analyzes the changes of the characteristics of public space, and selects the villages in Bailuyuan area of Xi'an, which have had clear social governance evolution structures since modern times, as a typical case. Through data review, on-site observation and in-depth interview, this paper analyzes the social governance structure derived from the villages in this region in different times, it also reveals the response characteristics of public space in different rural social governance structures. The research shows that the rural governance social structure in this area has experienced the development stage of "autonomy-flattening-atomization-administrative strong intervention" since modern times, and the rural public space correspondingly presents the characteristics of "prosperity and development-alienation-overall recession-decentralization". Finally, through the analysis, the conclusion can be drawn that the characteristics of public space are closely related to the rural social governance structure at that time, and the evolution on the time axis is essentially the reconnection between the new public space and the new rural social governance structure
Key words:  landscape architecture  social governance structure  integration of society and space  public space  spatial response  Bailuyuan area

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