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岭南大学校园生产性景观特征及其动因 分析
生产性景观因其具备诸多潜在价值受到广泛关注。 校园生产性景观作为一种新兴的设计理念,在中国较少应用于 农林、医药、设计类等具有生产或实验用地的大学中。岭南大 学是我国近代教会大学中开办农科的典范,其农科教育和校园 生产性景观的关系及发展过程值得探究。通过档案研究、社会 情境分析和形式分析等方法,综述我国校园生产性景观的历史 渊源和现代实践,梳理岭南大学农科的办学背景,分析其校园 生产性景观的特征及其动因。研究发现,岭南大学校园生产性 景观源于早期的农业造园活动,并伴随着农科教育逐渐丰富, 最终以面状分布在校园周边。以期完善我国校园生产性景观发 展的认知,为今后我国校园生产性景观建设提供历史借鉴。
关键词:  风景园林  岭南大学  生产性景观  校园景观  情境分析  农科教育
Analysis on the Features and Motivation of Lingnan University Campus Productive Landscape
HUANG Wenwen,LIN Guangsi
Productive landscapes have received extensive attention due to their potential values. As a new design concept, campus productive landscape is rarely used in universities with production or experimental land such as agriculture, forestry, medicine, and design. Lingnan University used to be a model for the establishment of agricultural sciences in modern church universities. The relationship between its agricultural education and the productive landscape of the campus and its development process are worth exploring. Through archival research, social situation analysis, and formal analysis, this paper summarizes the historical origin and modern practice of the productive landscape of campus in China, combs the background of running Lingnan University's agricultural sciences, and analyzes the characteristics and motivations of the evolution of the productive landscape on campus. It found that the productive landscape of Lingnan University's campus originated from the early agricultural gardening activities, accompanied by the gradual enrichment of agricultural education, and finally distributed around the campus in a planar shape. With a view to perfecting the cognition of the development of campus productive landscape in China, it will provide historical reference for the construction of campus productive landscape in China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Lingnan University  reductive landscape  campus landscape  situation analysis  agricultural education

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