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保护大熊猫遗传多样性——拯救人工饲养下的 大熊猫种群的历史回顾
对1984—1995年中国拯救大熊猫物种工作进行历 史回顾:创建了中国动物园协会;成都大熊猫繁育研究基地落 成;促成建设部和林业部2个部门的合作;与多国政府及非政 府组织磋商,达成多项国际合作;推行“动物园是野生动物移 地保护基地”的理念;启动了为大熊猫种群开辟新栖息地—— “大熊猫进,人类退”的前期工程。该时期开创了拯救人工饲 养下的大熊猫种群工作的系统工程,成功拯救了动物园濒临灭 绝的大熊猫种群,在国际上被誉为中国的奇迹。
关键词:  风景园林  大熊猫  生物多样性保护  人工饲养 下的种群保护  遗传基因多样性保护
Protecting the Genetic Diversity of Giant Panda— The Historical Review of Saving the Species of Giant Panda in Artificial Feeding
ZHENG Shuling
The paper reviewed the work of saving the species of giant panda from 1984 to 1995 in China historically: Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens was founded; Chengdu Base of Giant Pandas Breeding was built; the cooperation between the two ministries of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Ministry of Forestry was facilitated; governments and non-governmental organizations were consulted and negotiated, with successful international cooperation; the concept that "the zoos are the bases of wild animals conservation and for the purpose of transferring them back to the wild" was promoted; and the preliminary work of the project that building a new habitat for the species of the giant panda-"the giant panda forwards, human activities retreat" was initiated. This period started the work of saving giant panda under the artificial breeding in a systemic way and successfully saved the endangered giant panda population in the zoo, and it has important meaning and are wellknown as the miracle of China in the world
Key words:  landscape architecture  giant panda  biodiversity protection  protection of species in artificial feeding  protection of genetic diversity

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