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基于驻点研究法的网师园多路径交汇处 游人行为研究
目前旅游研究领域中针对游人行为的研究多关注景 区较大的地理尺度及旅行模式。事实上,游人在景区中游览 时,其驻足、休憩、观景等行为的发生地主要分布于微观尺 度的“驻点”处,“驻点”自身的特殊吸引力才是引发游人 在景区内移动的动因。多路径交汇处游人行为选择受多重因 素影响,在景区游线设计中,这类驻点对于游人的游赏品质 具有重要意义。以苏州网师园为研究对象,选取其中10个重 要驻点,通过对驻点处摄录视频的回放,发现游人在主路径 交汇处的路径选择存在差异,游人更加倾向于选择空间类型 相似度高的路径,如住宅建筑、连廊等,以使游赏空间性质 保持连贯性;在空间转换处,为跳出空间变化的稳定性,游 人更倾向于空间异质度高的路径。不同的路径选择形成不同 的游线,网师园中约71.2%的游人呈逆时针游赏。研究结果 可为相关景区的游线设计、确立更为科学的景区舒适度指标 等提供理论指导。
关键词:  风景园林  网师园  驻点研究法  游人行为  多路 径交汇处  视频分析技术
Study on Tourist Behaviors at Multipath Junctions of Master-of-Nets Garden Based on the Stationary Point Method
DING Shaogang,LIU Xuehan,LU Pan
Now in the field of tourism research, more studies on tourist behaviors are concentrated on larger geographic scale and travel pattern. In fact, when tourists visit in scenic areas, their touring behaviors such as halt, rest and viewing mainly happen in microscope "stationary point" and special attraction between stationary points causes tourists' move. Tourist behaviors at multipath junctions, affected by multiple factors, are of great significance to the quality of tourist's sightseeing in the design of touring routes. The paper, taking Master-of-Nets Garden as an object of study and selecting 10 important stationary stops, tries to use the stationary point method and video analysis technology to study tourist behaviors at multipath junctions. The findings include that tourists make different choices about paths at typical multipath junctions and they tend to choose the path of space type of high similarity, such as residential buildings, corridors for the continuity of spatial variation; however, at the transition of space, tourists will choose the path with high spatial heterogeneity to break the continuity. The difference of choosing paths makes different touring routes. In the Master-of-Nets Garden, there are about 71.2% tourists visit in counter clockwise form. The study results can provide theoretical guidance for the design of scenic touring routes and the establishment of more scientific scenic comfort indicators in the future.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Master-of-Nets Garden  stationary point method  tourist behavior  multipath junction  video analysis technology

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