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基于脑电分析技术的景观关注度主成分 量化解析——以南京市玄武湖公园为例
当代风景园林研究密切关注共性心理与景观环境的 交互关系,景观关注度成为景观心理描述与环境绩效的重要评 价指标。基于风景园林“环境-心理”耦合机制与脑电信号采 集技术(EEG)研究进展,结合景观关注度研究相关成果,基 于主成分分析法建立了一种景观关注度脑电数据回归模型。以 玄武湖公园为例,通过主成分分析法对原始景观因子进行整合 筛选,建立变量观测体系并对其景观心理评价要素进行脑电分 析,通过算法设定与数据分析获取景观关注度主成分及其量化 耦合关系。研究结果表明,玄武湖公园景观色彩丰富度、空间 集成度、水体形态变化度3项评价指标对景观关注度起主要作 用,景观关注度与景观因子种类呈正相关关系。研究结果为景 观心理量化描述与算法分析提供了一种基于脑电数据的景观关 注度分析技术,为相关研究纵深开展提供技术支持。
关键词:  风景园林  景观关注度  脑电分析技术  主成分 分析法  回归分析模型  景观环境
The Principal Component Quantitative Analysis of Landscape Attraction Based on the EEG Technology—Taking Xuanwu Lake Park of Nanjing as the Example
LI Zhe,CHEN Feifei,HAN Xiao,ZHAO Kaiyu
The study of contemporary landscape architecture pays close attention to the interaction between psychology and landscape environment. Landscape attraction has become an important evaluation index of psychological reaction of the environment. It is also a criterion for evaluating landscape performance. The research is based on the environment-psychology coupling mechanism and researching progress of EEG signal acquisition technology, and combines the results of landscape attraction research. A regression analysis model of EEG data reflecting landscape attraction is developed based on the principal component analysis method. The study takes Xuanwu Lake Park in Nanjing, China as an example, integrates the original factors through principal component analysis, establishes a variable observation system and conducts experimental analysis on the principal components of landscape psychology. Evaluation factors and their quantitative coupling relationship of landscape attraction are created by calculating the weight of landscape factors. The results show that the spatial integration, color richness, and water body changes of Xuanwu Lake Park play a major role in the attraction of the landscape. There is a positive correlation between landscape attention and the types of landscape factors. It provides a technical support for the deepening of related research.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape attraction  EEG analysis technology  principal component analysis  regression analysis model  landscape environment

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