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老年人视角下社区景观要素与特征重要性 研究与启示
基于全球及中国人口快速老龄化趋势,以及老年人 普遍倾向居家养老的特点,关注老年人的社区景观设计将变得 愈发重要。然而,现有相关研究成果较分散,难以有效支持实 际项目的设计决策。需基于现有科研成果,从老年人视角系统 讨论不同景观要素与特征的重要性,建立比较基础,为相关设 计决策提供依据。具体从相关设计指引及实证研究中提取22 个景观要素与特征,通过在中国香港的17个公租房社区随机 抽样调查426位老年住户发现,总体上,老年人尤其重视环 境舒适性相关、较为重视便捷性相关的景观要素与特征,对 存在安全隐患的景观要素与特征心存顾虑,并且倾向于聚集 而非独处空间。建议社区景观设计应特别注意保障老年人人 身安全,提升社区环境舒适度,以及支持、促进老年人社会 交往等
关键词:  风景园林  社区景观  景观要素与特征  老年 人  重要性
Importance and Inspirations of Neighborhood Landscape Elements and Features from the Elderly's Perspective
SHI Shulin
In view of rapid population aging trend in China and worldwide, together with a common preference for home-based care of the elderly, the community landscape design that pays close attention to the elderly will become even more important. However, current research on this topic is rather disperse, thus hard to support decision-making in complex real projects. Under this circumstance, the current study systematically investigated perceived importance of relevant landscape elements and features from the elderly's perspective, and revealed relative importance of these elements and features for comparison and design decision making. Specifically, 22 landscape elements and features which have been found as beneficial to the elderly were extracted through design guideline and empirical study reviews. A questionnaire survey was conducted in 17 public rental housing estates in Hong Kong SAR and 426 samples of senior residents were collected. It was found that in general, the elderly considered landscape elements and features that were related to environmental comfort as most important, followed by those related to convenience; while struggling with those might bring hazards, and they were inclined to gathering spaces rather than small ones. It suggests that community landscape designs should be safe, comfortable, and socially supportive for the elderly.
Key words:  landscape architecture  community landscape  landscape element and feature  the elderly  importance

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