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基于小气候人体舒适度的社区公园健身 设施场地景观设计研究
社区健身场地是全民健身事业的重要组成部分和主 要载体,舒适的健身设施场地环境对发展全民健身、推进居民 美好生活的发展具有重要影响。以深圳市区30个社区公园健 身设施场地为研究对象,通过自动气象站仪器测量气象数据计 算出人体舒适度评价指数WBGT值,结合问卷调查确定了深 圳夏季社区公园健身设施场地人体舒适度的阈值为32℃。探 索影响健身设施场地舒适度的景观特征因素包括绿量、绿化 率、植物群落结构、灌木围合度、灌木高度、乔木平均冠幅等 指标的适宜范围,提出了丰富植物群落结构、合理梳理植被、 预留通风廊道的改善城市社区公园健身设施场地舒适度的景观 设计方法,为使用人群获得最佳的舒适度感受,从而提高健身 场地使用效率,最大限度发挥健身设施场地功能。
关键词:  风景园林  健身设施场地  人体舒适度  景观特 征  WBGT指标
Research on Landscape Design of Fitness Facilities in Community Park Based on Human Comfort in Microclimate
WANG Qing,LI Meng,LI Xiangy
Community fitness site is an important part and main carrier of national fitness cause. Comfortable fitness facilities and environment have important impacts on the development of national fitness and promoting the development of residents' better lives. In this paper, 30 community park fitness facilities in Shenzhen City were taken as the research object. Based on the meteorological data measured by automatic weather stations, the WBGT value of human body comfort evaluation index was calculated. Combined with the questionnaire survey, the threshold value of human body comfort (WBGT) of fitness facilities in Shenzhen community parks in summer was determined as 32℃. It explored the suitable range of landscape characteristic factors such as green quantity, greening rate, plant community structure, shrub enclosure degree, shrub height, average crown width of arbor and so on. The landscape design methods to improve the comfort of fitness facilities in urban community parks were proposed, including enriching plant community structure, combing vegetation reasonably and reserving ventilation corridor. The purpose is to let users get the best comfort feeling, so as to improve the use efficiency of fitness venues, and maximize the function of fitness facilities.
Key words:  landscape architecture  fitness facilities  human comfort  landscape feature  WBGT index

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