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环境行为学视角下建成环境与儿童出行 影响机制研究
儿童依赖建成环境,并通过基本的出行行为满足其 自身发展的各项必要需求,其中儿童独立出行水平和出行方式 至关重要。随着中国城镇化持续推进,大城市边缘的小城镇在 迅速发展的同时,其建成环境也给儿童出行带来了一定安全隐 患,儿童出行安全问题值得关注。从环境行为学视角,结合既 往文献将儿童出行的影响因素归纳整理成个体、环境和其他因 素,随后对长沙市岳麓区莲花镇第五实验小学1 509名6~12 岁儿童及其家长展开实证调查和数据统计分析。结果显示: 儿童和家长对环境的安全感知会对儿童的出行决策产生较大 影响,机动车交通量及速度、交叉路口、道路复杂程度、步 道和自行车道及其基础设施设置、自然水体等是主要的显著 影响因素。据此,从空间布局、道路设计、交通设施配置和 社会环境方面提出了提升儿童出行安全水平的小城镇规划策 略建议。
关键词:  风景园林  环境行为学  个体差异  安全感知  儿 童出行行为决策  影响因素
Study on the Impact Mechanism of the Built Environment and Children's Travel from the Perspective of Environmental Behavior
XU Mengyi,SHEN Yao,ZHANG Xiao,(UK) Helen Woolley
Children rely on the built environment to meet the necessary needs of their own development through basic travel behaviors. Among them, children's independent mobility level and travel mode are very important. With the continuous advancement of China's urbanization, small towns on the fringe of large cities are developing rapidly, and their built environment has also brought a certain degree of safety hazards to children's travel. The issue of children's travel safety is worthy of attention. In this paper, from the perspective of environmental behavior, combined with literature research, the influencing factors of children's travel are summarized into individual, environmental and other factors. Subsequent empirical investigation and statistical analysis of data on 1,509 children aging 6-12 and their parents in the Fifth Experimental Primary School in Lianhua Town, Yuelu District, Changsha City, are conducted. The results show that children and their parents' perception of environmental safety have a greater impact on children's travel decisions. Motor vehicle traffic volume and speed, intersections, road complexity, pavement and bicycle lanes and their infrastructure settings, natural water elements, etc., are the main significant influencing factors. Based on this, from the perspectives of spatial layout, road design, traffic facility configuration and social environment, suggestions on small town planning strategies to improve children's travel safety are proposed.
Key words:  landscape architecture  environmental behavior  individual difference  perception of safety  travel behavior decision of children  influencing factor

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