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城市山体公园分级调控策略水文 效益研究
因地制宜的山体公园水文分级调控能够有效地从源 头到末端控制和利用雨水径流。选取南京市官窑山公园为研究 对象,通过构建水文分级调控策略(S1~S4)和水文模型,评 估了不同重现期场降水和典型年降水情景下的分级调控水文效 益。研究发现,场降水情景下,水文性能随着分级调控策略层 级的提升而提升,其中分级截流和调蓄策略(S4)的提升最为显 著;分级调蓄策略(S3)表现略优于分级截流策略(S2);末端 调控策略(S1)表现最差。从分级调控设施对水文性能的影响角 度分析,增加分级调蓄容积为最优选择;而在调蓄容积一定的 情况下,分级设置截流设施对水文性能的提升(S2-S1)优于分 级调蓄设施(S3-S2)。2015—2020年典型年降水情景下的总 体表现与场降水情景一致,控制率和控制效益均随着策略层级 的增加而提升;但在极端暴雨和连续降水事件频发的年份,控 制率和控制效益明显下降。这要求水文效益的评估应综合考虑 不同重现期场降水和长周期典型年降水的影响,尤其应关注连 续降水事件的影响。基于山体公园4种水文分级调控策略的水 文效益评估结果,以期为类似的城市山体海绵公园、山体雨洪 调控,以及水景观规划设计与研究提供决策依据和研究思路。
关键词:  风景园林  山体公园  水文分级调控  水文效益
Research on Hydrology Performance of Hydrological Multilevel Control Strategies in Urban Mountain Park
HOU Qinghe,CHENG Yuning,YUAN Yangyang
Site-appropriate hydrological multilevel control in mountain parks can effectively control and utilize stormwater runoff from the source to the terminal. In this study, Nanjing Guangyao Mountain Park was selected as the research site, and the hydrological performance was evaluated under various return periods of single precipitation and annual precipitation scenarios by developing hydrological multilevel control strategies (S1~S4) and a hydrological model. The results show that the multi-level interception and storage strategy (S4) is proved to be the most beneficial one, followed by the multilevel storage strategy (S2) having slightly higher results than the multilevel interception strategy (S3), while the terminal strategy (S1) showed poor results. In terms of the impact of multilevel facilities, it is optimal to increase multilevel storage volume. For a given storage volume, the enhancement of multilevel interception facility (S2-S1) is better than that of the multilevel storage facility (S3-S2). Under the typical annual precipitation scenario from 2015 to 2020, the overall performance is consistent with the single precipitation scenario, and both the control rate and performance improved with the increased strategy. However, in years with frequent extreme rainstorms and continuous precipitation events, control rates and performance decrease significantly. This requires that the assessment of hydrological performance should not only consider single precipitation scenarios, but also take the variability of precipitation characteristics in different years into account, especially focusing on the assessment of continuous precipitation events. Based on the results of the hydrological performance assessment of four multilevel control strategies for mountain park, it is hoped that these will provide a decision-making basis for urban mountain sponge parks, stormwater and water landscape planning and design.
Key words:  landscape architecture  mountain park  hydrological multilevel control  hydrological performance

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