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适应水位变化的鸟类生境修复研究——以 三峡水库澎溪河大浪坝为例
蓄水后三峡水库消落带的剧烈水位变化与反季节水 淹,导致鸟类生境数量与质量的双重衰退,并引发鸟类群落组 成与空间分布的显著变化。针对适应水位变化并恢复鸟类多样 性这一三峡水库生物多样性保护的重要科学问题,选取澎溪河 大浪坝消落带为研究区域,基于栖息、觅食、繁殖及庇护等鸟 类生境综合需求,提出以“环境要素-生物要素-空间结构”协 同设计为核心的鸟类生境修复技术框架。对修复后大浪坝消落 带鸟类群落的结构及多样性变化进行评估,结果表明:鸟类生 境质量显著改善,在不同季节及水位条件下均能维持良好的鸟 类生境异质性,鸟类多样性得到持续提升。研究成果可为复杂 水位变化影响下大型水库消落带的鸟类生境修复与多样性提升 提供科学依据和可参考的技术范式。
关键词:  风景园林  水位变化  消落带  鸟类生境  生态修 复  生物多样性  三峡水库
Research on the Restoration of Bird HabitatsAdapting to Water-level Changes: A Case Study ofDalangba in Pengxi River, Three Gorges Reservoir
CHEN Hongfei,YUAN Jia,TANG Ting,ZHANG Zhanfei,YUAN Xingzhong
After impoundment, the drawdown zone of Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) experienced the dramatic water-level fluctuation and off-season flooding, which led to the decline of bird habitat types and quality, and caused significant changes in the composition and spatial distribution of bird communities. In order to explore how to adapt to the water-level fluctuation and to restore bird diversity, this research chose Dalangba in the watershed of Pengxi River as the study area, and based on the complex needs of bird population such as habitat, foraging, reproduction and shelters, it proposes a technical framework for bird habitat restoration with the collaborative design of "environmental elements - biological elements - spatial structure". It carries out practical restoration of bird habitats in Dalangba, while conducting investigations on the structure and diversity changes of bird communities. Results revealed that the restored bird habitat types are more diverse than before and could be well maintained in different water-level conditions, while species diversity of birds is significantly increased. This research can provide a scientific guidance and application paradigm for bird habitat restoration and diversity improvement in the drawdown zone of large reservoirs with complex water level changes.
Key words:  andscape architecture  water level change  drawdown zone  bird habitat  ecological restoration  biodiversity  Three Gorges Reservoir

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