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中国近代风景园林与公共健康的关联: 基于《申报》数据的分析
探讨公共健康与风景园林之间关联的研究多聚焦于 近代西方,有必要以近代中国为对象,系统性地展开相关研 究。以1872—1949年为研究的时间范围,中国国土为空间 范围,《申报》全文数据库为核心资料,梳理同时表征“风 景园林”和“公共健康”的报道,分析其在时间和空间上的 演变特征,并解读其内容。结果表明,时间维度上,中国近 代风景园林与公共健康的关联演变经历了萌芽期、发展期、 滞缓期3个阶段,清末“新政”、民国“市政改革”、抗日 战争和解放战争分别是促成各时期变化的直接动因;空间维 度上,表现出从东南发达城市向内地扩散的趋势。在此基础 上,总结了中国近代风景园林促进公共健康的3种实践路径: 一是开放或新建公园;二是在公园中开展休闲游览、体育运 动、卫生展览、游园赈灾会等活动;三是进行全国性的植树 造林活动。本文是对近代时期中国风景园林与公共健康历史 关联研究的补充与完善,也证明了近代报刊全文数据对于风 景园林学相关研究的可行性和可靠性。
关键词:  风景园林  卫生  福祉  公园  报刊  历史
The Relationship between Landscape Architecture and Public Health in Modern China: An Analysis Based on Data from Shen Bao
YI Fengxia,ZHONG Le
Most studies on the relationship between public health and landscape architecture focus on western modern times, so it is necessary to systematically carry out relevant studies on modern China. This paper takes the period from 1872 to 1949 as the research time range, China's territory as the space scope, and the full-text database of Shen Bao as the core data, and analyzes the evolution characteristics of both "landscape architecture" and "public health" reports in time and space, and interprets their contents. The results show that the evolution of the association between landscape architecture and public health in modern China has experienced three stages of germination, development and stagnation. The "New Deal" in the late Qing Dynasty, the "municipal reform" in the Republic of China period, the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation were the direct causes of the change in each period. In terms of spatial dimension, it shows a trend of diffusion from developed cities in southeast to inland. On this basis, three practical approaches of promoting public health in modern Chinese landscape architecture were summarized: first, the construction or opening of parks; the second is to carry out leisure tour, sports, health exhibition, garden disaster relief activities; and third, to carry out nationwide afforestation activities. This paper is a supplement to the research on the historical relationship between landscape architecture and public health in modern China, and it also proves the feasibility and reliability of the full-text data of modern newspapers and periodicals for the study of landscape architecture.
Key words:  landscape architecture  health  well-being  parks  newspapers  history

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