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长江三角洲人居环境地方性体系化构建 及其演变评估
面对人与自然关系动态演变的长三角地区,以人居 环境地方性为线索予以识别、分析和评估,有助于解析人居环 境这一复杂体系的运转规律与协同机制。以长三角地区为例, 构建人居环境地方性体系及其演变周期模型;建立主客观结合 的人居环境地方性“潜力-连通度-韧性”演变评估框架,以 识别样本城市人居环境地方性的演变表征、演变阶段和发展趋 势,提出优化策略。研究表明,长三角地区的地方性韧性整体 较低,各城市全域的地方性潜力、连通度分异明显;就人居环 境地方性演变阶段而论,各地区分别处于失衡风险较低、发展 不足的集聚开发阶段,僵化及失衡风险较高、发展成熟的稳定 繁荣阶段,以及因经济持续低迷或政府主动开展超限度更新导 致的病态困境。
关键词:  风景园林  人居环境生命体  人居环境地方性  长江三角洲地区  时空演变
Systematic Construction of Human Settlement Locality in Yangtze River Delta and its Evolution Assessment
LIU Binyi,GAO Wenlin
Facing the dynamic evolution of the human-nature relationship in the Yangtze River Delta region, the identification and analysis of human settlement locality are helpful to analyze the operation rules and synergistic mechanisms of the complex system of the habitat environment. With the Yangtze River Delta region as an example, the model of the human settlement locality system and its evolution cycle is constructed, and the subjective and objective framework for assessing the evolution of human settlement locality in terms of "potential-connectivity-resilience" is established, to identify the evolutionary characteristics, evolutionary stages and development trends of human settlement locality in the sample cities and propose optimization strategies. The study shows that the overall local resilience of the Yangtze River Delta region is low, and each city's local potential and connectivity are significantly different. For the evolutionary stages of settlement locality, each region is at the stage of rapid development with a low risk of imbalance, the stage of stability and prosperity with a high risk of rigidity and imbalance, and the stage of pathological state due to persistent economic downturn or government-initiated super-limited renewal. Keywords: landscape architecture; human settlement life entity;
Key words:  landscape architecture  human settlement life entity  human settlement locality  Yangtze River Delta region  spatiotemporal evolution

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