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问题优先级判别:生态保护修复中的核心 生态智慧之一
随着生态文明建设的推进,生态智慧在中国日趋重 要,特别是在生态保护修复领域。然而现状生态保护修复实践 存在一个难点:无数问题交叉在一起,如何在资源有限的情况 下,判别生态问题优先级并依次推进保护修复是一个需要智慧 的决策过程。针对这个瓶颈,立足国内外文献综述探究生态问 题优先级判别的不同思路与方法。研究发现:1)生态问题分 析的主要方法包括生境质量评价、生态系统服务和生态安全格 局;2)国外生态保护修复问题优先级判别存在3个不同的时段 与思路“生态重要性判定-投资收益判别-多目标优化决策”; 3)国内整体还是处于第一个生态重要性判定的阶段,对生境的 强化不足,偶有学者提及多目标决策优化。立足研究,对生态 保护修复过程中问题优先级判别提出了4点建议,以促使相关 决策更具生态智慧。
关键词:  风景园林  生态保护  生态修复  社会-生态系 统  人与自然关系  人地关系
Determining the Priority of Ecological Issues—One of the Core Ecological Wisdoms of EcologicalRestoration
WANG Zhifang,LI Hecheng,JIAN Yuqing,BAI Zhuhui,WANG Yuexin,WANG Xiaobing
With the advancement of ecological civilization, ecological wisdom is becoming increasingly important in China, especially in the field of ecological conservation and restoration. However, there is a challenge with the current ecological conservation and restoration practice: many issues are intertwined, and determining the priority of ecological issues and promoting restoration in order with limited resources is a process that calls for wisdom. In order to address this bottleneck, this study examines various concepts and techniques for ranking ecological issues based on the analysis of domestic and international literature. The study discovered that: 1) the main methods of ecological problem analysis include habitat quality assessment, ecosystem services and ecological security pattern; 2) there are three different time periods and ideas for prioritizing ecological protection and restoration problems abroad: ecological importance determination - costbenefit evaluation - multicriteria decision making; 3) In China, it is still in the early stages of determining ecological importance while some scholars occasionally bring up multi-objective decision optimization, and the emphasis on habitat is not sufficient. Based on the research, this paper offers four suggestions for problem prioritization in the ecological protection and restoration process, to encourage greater ecological wisdom in pertinent decision-making.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecological conservation  ecological restoration  social-ecological system  human-nature relationship  human-earth relationship

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