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洛阳古代都城选址响应自然山水格局的 生态智慧
洛阳古代都城的选址体现出中国传统营城中自然和 人文协调共生的生态智慧,其地形、地貌、气候条件等多种因 素不断适应人类的发展、迁徙,是中国古代都城建设智慧的结 晶。通过历史文献和图像解译即舆图、历史地图、考古报告和 遥感影像的信息叠合,结合相关学科研究洛阳古代都城选址响 应自然环境的内在规律。结果显示:洛阳古代都城选址不仅需 要考虑都城因水而兴,社会文明因水而就的原则,更需要考虑 洛水泛滥的威胁;伊洛河交汇位置、洛河泥沙含量、土地肥力 及气候的变化对都城选址的影响均体现了古人善于利用自然地 势防御、调适气候及交通组织等的生态智慧。对洛阳古代都城 选址如何响应自然环境的生态智慧进行更为系统、全面地研 究,不仅可以为今天古都的合理建设提供科学依据,更可以为 未来城市的持续发展提供有力支撑。
关键词:  风景园林  洛阳  古代都城选址  响应  生态智 慧  自然环境
The Ecological Wisdom of the Site Selection ofLuoyang Ancient Capital Responding to NaturalLandscape Pattern
YAO Xiaojun,WEI Kailu,ZHANG Shumei,WANG Yongqiang,TIAN Guohang
The site selection of Luoyang ancient capital reflects the ecological wisdom of harmonious coexistence between nature and humanity in traditional Chinese city construction. Its topography, landform, climate conditions and other factors constantly adapt to the development and migration of human beings, which is the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient Chinese capital construction. Through image interpretation, that is, the combination of public maps, historical maps, archaeological reports and remote sensing images, the historical phenomenon of Luoyang ancient capital siting responding to the natural environment is studied by combining related disciplines, and the interactive relationship and internal law between the siting of ancient capital and natural changes is deeply revealed. The results show that the site selection of the ancient capital of Luoyang should not only consider the principle that the capital prospers and social civilization depends on water, but also consider the threat of Luoshui flooding; the influence of the confluence of the Yi and Luo Rivers, Luo River's sediment content, land fertility and climate change on the site selection of the capital reflects the ancient people's ecological wisdom of choosing the site of the capital by utilizing the advantages of natural terrain defense, climate adjustment and traffic organization. A more systematic and comprehensive study on the ecological wisdom of how the site selection of the ancient capital of Luoyang responds to the natural environment can not only provide scientific basis for the rational construction of the ancient capital today, but also provide strong support for the sustainable development of the city in the future.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Luoyang  site selection of ancient capital  respond  ecological wisdom  natural environment

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