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空间规划体系中风景名胜区整合与边界 优化路径研究——以庐山风景名胜区为例
风景名胜区整合优化的相关文件颁布,是对国土空 间规划体系中自然保护地体系整合优化工作的重要补充。为支 撑该项工作的落实,亟须在国土空间规划体系下构建风景名胜 区整合优化具体实施路径,特别对于庐山这样国家级风景名胜 区与国家级自然保护区、世界遗产地交织重叠的区域尤为关 键。综合考虑政策逻辑、理论基础和现实需求,形成行政事 权、特色保护、特色发展、协调治理、基础评价5个维度的评 估体系,构建风景名胜区整合优化路径模型,最后通过反向思 考对相关政策提出优化建议。
关键词:  风景园林  风景名胜区  整合归并  边界优化  路径
Research on the Path of Integration and BoundaryOptimization of Scenic and Historic Area in theSpatial Planning System—Taking Lushan ScenicArea as an Example
LIU Xiao,ZHANG Manman,LIU Yuchao
The recent promulgation of relevant documents on the integration and optimization of scenic and historic area is an important supplement to the integration and optimization ofnatural reserve systemin thespatialplanningsystem. In order to support the implementation of this work, it is urgent to build a technical path for the specific implementation of the integration and optimization of scenic and historic area under the territorial and spatial planning system, especially for areas such as Lushan Mountain where national scenic and historic area overlap with national nature reserves and world heritage sites. It is proposed to comprehensively consider the policy logic, theoretical basis and practical needs, form an evaluation system with five dimensions of administrative authority, characteristic protection, characteristic development, coordinated governance and basic evaluation, build a path model of scenic and historic area integration and optimization, and put forward optimization suggestions for relevant policies through reverse thinking to provide technical reference for the implementation of scenic and historic area integration and optimization policies.
Key words:  landscape architecture  scenic and historic area  integration  boundary optimization  path

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