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信州公共风景点——清代江西信江书院园林 复原研究
信江书院位于信州城外黄金山北麓,临溪环山, 因山而构,为典型的城郊山地风景型书院园林。嘉庆十五年 (1810年),王赓言于信江书院中部增设2处公共风景点—— “梅庭铺月”和“石磴梯云”,书院开始兼具公共园林之性 质;同治五年(1866年),钟世桢向书院东部扩建,增建3处书 斋庭院,空间类型更为丰富,园林格局基本定型。现两景点均 已毁,书院面积大幅缩减,昔日盛况也不复存在。结合古代文 献及图像分析、遗址测绘、推理演绎复原清代同治时期信江书 院园林平面布局,从书院山水环境、空间布局、景致风貌、景 境构建4个角度展开剖析,有助于深刻认识清中后期(1781— 1866年)信江书院这一经典园林的历史意义和艺术价值。
关键词:  风景园林  信江书院  复原研究  公共  清中后期
Xinzhou Public Scenic Spot—Restoration Researchof Jiangxi Xinjiang Academy Garden in Qing Dynasty
LIU Wenling,LI Baoyong
Xinjiang Academy is located at the northern foot of Huangjing Mountain outside Xinzhou City, bordering the stream and surrounding the mountain, which is a typical mountainous landscape college garden on the outskirts of the city. In the 15th year of Emperor Jiaqing (1810), Wang Gengyan added two public scenic spots in the middle of Xinjiang College, "Plum Yard with Moonlight" and "Stone Terrace Cloud", and the college began to have the nature of a public garden; In the fifth year of Emperor Tongzhi (1866), Zhong Shizhen expanded to the east of the academy, adding three more study courtyards, with richer space types and a basic garden pattern. Now both attractions have been destroyed, the area of the college has been greatly reduced, and the former grandeur no longer exists. Combined with ancient documents and image analysis, site surveying and mapping, reasoning and deduction, the research restores the layout of the garden of Xinjiang Academy during the Emperor Tongzhi period of Qing Dynasty, and analyzes it from four perspectives: landscape environment, spatial layout, landscape style and landscape construction, which is helpful to deeply understand the historical significance and artistic value of this classic garden of Xinjiang Academy in the middle and late Qing Dynasty (1781-1866).
Key words:  landscape architecture  Xinjiang Academy  restoration research  public  the middle and late Qing Dynasty

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