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唐长安城佛寺景观风貌及游憩活动量化 研究——基于古诗文本挖掘技术
唐长安城佛寺曾以优美的内部环境、平川式的寺院 园林闻名于世,然而其实际景象已经在历史变迁中成为陈迹。 以260篇唐长安城佛寺游览诗为研究材料,试图通过数字技术 手段探究唐长安城佛寺景观意象、佛寺游憩活动内容及空间分 布特点。结果表明,唐长安城佛寺中的云霞、佛殿、树木、山 体等风景最容易被文人所感知,唐长安城佛寺具备庄严的佛殿 形象以及优美的山林风貌特点,营造出佛教崇尚的理想环境。 佛寺包含了围绕佛寺入口、佛殿、内院、寺外产生的4类景观 意象,以及文人常在佛寺中进行的5类游憩活动。依据佛寺景 观意象、游憩活动特点,及其分别在城中的空间分布特点,所 得结论可为地域佛寺艺术创作与博物馆主题陈列提供理论借 鉴,为西安城中佛寺的景观更新及游憩活动安排提出相应建 议。本研究利用数字技术手段,在对古诗文本中的景观信息进 行量化分析以及空间分析中具有优势,对佛寺景观及文化塑造 具有参考价值。
关键词:  风景园林  唐长安城佛寺  佛寺诗  文本分析  景观意象  游憩活动
A Quantitative Study on the Landscape Intentionand Recreational Activities of Buddhist Templesin Chang'an City of Tang Dynasty—Based on theAncient Poetry Text Mining Technology
Chang'an City Buddhist temples of Tang Dynasty were once famous for their beautiful internal environment and flat river style temple gardens, but there actual scenery has become a relic in historical changes. The article uses 260 Tang Chang'an City Buddhist temple tourism poems as research materials, to explore the landscape imagery, leisure activities, and spatial distribution characteristics of Tang Chang'an City Buddhist temples through digital technology. The results indicate that the scenery of clouds, temples, trees, and mountains in Tang Chang'an City Buddhist temples is most easily perceived by literati. Tang Chang'an City Buddhist temples have a solemn image of a Buddhist temple and beautiful mountain and forest scenery, creating an ideal environment for Buddhist worship. Buddhist temples contain four types of landscape images that surround the entrance, temple, inner courtyard, and exterior of the temple, as well as five types of recreational activities that literati often engage in the temple. The conclusions obtained can provide theoretical reference for regional Buddhist temple art creation and museum themed display, and provide corresponding suggestions for landscape update and recreational activity arrangement of Buddhist temples in Xi'an city. Using digital technology, this study has advantages in quantitative analysis and spatial analysis of landscape information in ancient poetry texts, and has reference value for Buddhist temple landscape and cultural shaping.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Tang Chang'an City Buddhist temple  Buddhist temple poetry  text analysis  landscape imagery  recreational activity

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