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“森列”与“饾饤”:南宋园林假山营造 的两种类型及其结合发展
现有中国园林史研究已经认识到南宋是园林中石假山 营造得到重要发展的时期,然而南宋园林假山营造的具体方式 及其形态特点尚未得到有效探讨。在深入研读相关文献与图像 的基础上,结合历史来源与后世影响,探讨南宋园林假山营造 的类型及其发展。首先从“置”与“叠”2种基本方式出发,在 历史语境中探讨“森列”与“饾饤”这2类南宋常见的假山营 造类型及其来源与影响;进而关注二者在仿“飞来峰”营造中 的结合与发展,从而更清晰地认识南宋,乃至其后的石假山营 造。这一研究将对其后中国园林假山发展的认识,乃至当代假 山特点的理解提供坚实的历史理论基础。
关键词:  风景园林  中国园林史  假山营造  南宋  飞来峰
"Forest-like Arranging" and "Piling-up": Two Typesof Artificial Mountain Making in Southern SongPeriod and Their Combination and Development
GU Kai,YE Cong,DAI Wenyi
The existing research on Chinese garden history has recognized that the Southern Song Dynasty was an important period of development of artificial mountain making with stone, but the specific methods and features of garden rockery construction in this period have not been effectively explored. Based on the deep understanding of the relevant texts and images, this article combines historical sources and later influences to discuss the types and development of garden rockery construction in the Southern Song period. Starting from the two basic methods of setting and stacking, this paper explores the two common types of rockery construction in the Southern Song Dynasty as "Forest-like Arranging" and "Piling-up" in the historical context, as well as their sources and influences. Furthermore, the focus is on the combination and development of the two types in the imitation construction of the "Feilaifeng Hill", so as to have a clearer understanding of the rockery making in the Southern Song Dynasty and even later. This study will provide a solid historical and theoretical foundation for the understanding of the development of Chinese garden rockeries and even the characteristics of contemporary artificial mountain making.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Chinese garden history  artificial mountain making  Southern Song Dynasty  Feilaifeng Hill

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