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因应人居发展的西汉长安地区水系营建 及其理景
:经过西汉初期“无为而治”的酝酿积淀与武帝时期 “崇尚有为”的人居大发展,西汉长安地区形成以都城为核心, 苑囿、郊邑、农田相嵌套的圈层结构,而“源泉灌注、陂池交 属”的水网系统是贯穿其中的人居发展支撑基础。在分析其依托 自然水系立基的优劣基础上,结合二重证据与图示分析,以武帝 前后为观察界点,探讨因应地区人居发展的长安地区水系营建。 研究表明,在都市水利、漕运水利与农田水利功能目标指引下, 以渭南地区凿陂丰水、沿渭地区赖渭穿渠与渭北地区泾洛引灌为 重点进行水系建设,展现出在地化营建智慧。各区域因水系而成 独特地景格局,结合案例分析,总结因凭水系而成的池苑绮错、 邑景依傍、园野辉映的分区理景特征。
关键词:  风景园林  西汉长安  水系营建  理景  人居发 展  风景园林历史
Study on the Construction of Water System andLandscape Design in Chang'an Area in WesternHan Dynasty in Response to the Human SettlementDevelopment
LI Yicheng,ZHENG Lu,ZHENG Jue,GENG Huazheng,ZHOU Jianhua
After the "governance by non-interference" in early Western Han Dynasty and the great development of human settlements in the period of Emperor Wu, Chang'an area formed a circle layer structure with the capital as the core, with gardens, suburbs, and farmland nested. The water network system of "source perfusion and pond connection" was the supporting foundation for human settlements development. Based on the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the natural water system conditions, combined with the double evidence method and the graphical analysis method, and taking the period of Emperor Wu as a node, the paper discusses the water system construction in Chang'an region that responded to the development of human settlements in the region. The research shows that under the guidance of the functional objectives of urban water conservancy, traffic water conservancy and farmland water conservancy, the water system construction was carried out with the focus on the digging of ponds in Weinan region, construction of canals along the Weihe River region and diversion irrigation in Weibei region, demonstrating the wisdom of local construction. Each region has a unique landscape pattern due to its water system. Based on case analysis, this paper summarizes the characteristics of the zoning landscape formed by the water system, such as the crisscross of pools and gardens, the proximity of towns and landscapes, and the radiance of gardens and fields.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Chang'an in Western Han Dynasty  water system construction  landscape design  human settlement development  landscape architecture history

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