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竹洲吴氏园亭是南宋文人吴儆的私家园林,位于今 安徽省黄山市休宁县。由于宋代徽州园林的遗存较少,个案研 究有所局限,因而园林文献记载成为研究宋代徽州园林的重要 来源。以吴儆所写园记《竹洲记》为引,结合县志、文集等历 史资料,首先考证并推断吴氏园亭的位置;再结合园记中的园 林记述,提炼建筑、植物等造园要素及园林活动信息;进而推 衍吴氏园亭的空间布局,得出空间结构拓扑图;最后,总结竹 洲吴氏园亭的功能、流线,分析造园特征,还原文人造园的思 想与手法。研究表明,竹洲吴氏园亭是宋代徽州文人园林的代 表,扩充了江南造园史中宋代园林的研究案例,丰富了徽州园 林的研究内容,为徽州园林案例研究提供了参考与借鉴。
关键词:  风景园林  宋代徽州园林  文人园  竹洲吴氏园 亭  《竹洲记》  复原研究
Study on the Spatial Restoration and GardeningCharacteristics of Wu's Garden Pavilion in Xiuning inSong Dynasty
XIA Shuting,YAN Min,LI Zao,CHENG Geng,YANG Xiao
Wu's garden in Zhuzhou is a private garden of Wu Jing, a literati of Southern Song Dynasty, located in Xiuning County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province. Since there are fewer surviving Song Dynasty gardens in Huizhou, case studies are limited, thus garden documentation has become an important source for the study of Huizhou gardens in Song Dynasty. This paper takes the garden record Records of Zhuzhou written by Wu Jing as a guide, and combines historical materials such as county records and literary collections to firstly verify and deduce the location of Wu's garden; then, combining the garden records, it extracts information on gardening elements such as architecture, plants and gardening activities, and then deduces the spatial layout of Wu's garden and derives the topological map of spatial structure; finally, it summarizes the functions and streamline of Wu's garden in Zhuzhou, analyzes the characteristics of gardening, and also the original text of the ideas and techniques of man-made gardens. The study shows that Wu's garden in Zhuzhou is a representative of the literati gardens in Huizhou in Song Dynasty, which expands the study cases of Song Dynasty gardens in the history of gardening in Jiangnan, enriches the study contents of Huizhou gardens, and provides reference for the case study of Huizhou gardens.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Song Dynasty Huizhou garden  literati garden  Zhuzhou Wu's Garden  Records of Zhuzhou  restoration study

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