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多元数据支持下福州市乡村风景道选线 规划研究
作者简介:白君亭 1999年生/男/河南南阳人/福建农林大学风景园林与艺术学院在 读硕士研究生/研究方向为风景园林规划与设计(福州 350002)
全域旅游背景下,乡村风景道对于推动交旅融合发 展、国土空间优化和区域高质量协同发展具有重要意义。乡村 区域自然与人文资源丰富,为乡村风景道的规划与构建提供重 要支持和机遇。以福州市路网数据、自驾游客数字足迹点和 158个乡村旅游地数据为基础,利用缓冲区分析、核密度分析 等ArcGIS空间分析技术进行叠加分析,筛选出乡村风景道节 点;结合福州市多元数据,从5个维度构建乡村风景道选线适 宜性评价指标体系并绘制选线适宜区;通过综合分析提出福 州市乡村风景道规划方案与具体发展策略。研究结果表明: 1)福州市乡村区域共筛选出20个乡村风景道节点;2)福州市 乡村风景道选线适宜区以福州市中心城区的边缘区域为核心 区,呈现出由核心区向东南沿海和西北内陆区域梯度递减的趋 势;3)根据乡村风景道节点和乡村风景道选线适宜性空间分 布,最终构建形成“三主二副三支”纵横交错的福州市乡村 风景道网络布局。基于多元数据的福州市乡村风景道选线研 究对于市域乡村风景道的构建和旅游资源的开发具有重要借 鉴意义。
关键词:  风景园林  乡村风景道  福州市  选线规划  GIS  多元数据
Planning of Rural Scenic Byways in Fuzhou CityBased on Multiple Data
BAI Junting,SUN Rui,CHEN Jingwen,LAN Siren,LI Xiaohe
In the context of China's all-for-one tourism, rural scenic byways are of great significance in promoting the integrated development of transportation and tourism, the optimization of land space, and the high-quality synergistic development of the region. The rich natural and cultural resources in rural areas provide essential support and opportunities for the planning and construction of rural scenic byways. Based on the road network data of Fuzhou City, the digital footprints of self-driving tourists, and data from 158 rural tourism destinations, buffer analysis, kernel density analysis, and other ArcGIS spatial analysis techniques were used for overlay analysis to select rural scenic byway nodes. Combined with the diverse data of Fuzhou City, a suitability evaluation index system for rural scenic byway selection was constructed from five dimensions, and suitable areas for route selection were delineated. Through comprehensive analysis, the planning scheme of Fuzhou Rural Scenic Byways is proposed, and specific development strategies are suggested. The results showed that: 1) A total of 20 rural scenic byway nodes were selected in the rural areas of Fuzhou City; 2) The suitable area for rural scenic byway selection in Fuzhou City was centered on the edge of the central urban area, showing a decreasing gradient from the core area to the southeast coastal and northwest inland areas; 3) Based on the spatial distribution of rural scenic byway nodes and the suitability for route selection, a "three main lines, two secondary lines, and three branch lines" network layout of rural scenic byways was finally constructed in Fuzhou City. The research on selecting rural scenic byways in Fuzhou City based on diverse data has essential reference significance for the construction of rural scenic byways and the development of tourism resources in the urban area.
Key words:  landscape architecture  rural scenic byway  Fuzhou City  suitability evaluation  GIS  multiple data

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