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基于数字孪生的长城文化遗产保护与传承 研究
作者简介:张 智 1989年生/男/江西萍乡人/清华大学建筑学院在读博士研究生/ 研究方向为城乡规划技术科学及文化遗产数字化保护(北京 100084)
长城文化遗产长期面临风、水、冰雹等自然环境 风险。现有研究偏向理论,缺乏基于数字孪生的实证研究, 尤其缺乏长城文化遗产环境灾害仿真模拟预测的研究。将数 字孪生理论模型与实际案例结合,通过流固耦合分析模拟探 索风环境对北京蟠龙山长城的影响,评估风对建筑结构的影 响,探讨植被、建筑体量等变量对风环境的影响。结果显 示,数字孪生模型能够有效预测文化遗产在风环境下的风险 分布,同时,植被和建筑体量的变化明显影响了风蚀程度。 对于局部坍塌拱券的模拟分析揭示了文化遗产在强风和冰雹 灾害下受损的机理。
关键词:  风景园林  长城文化遗产  数字孪生  环境风 险  风环境模拟  遗产保护
基金项目:国家文物局重点科研基地研究项目 (2023ZCK004);清华-清尚智慧场景创新设计研究院开放课 题(20222910003)
Research on the Conservation and Inheritance of theGreat Wall Cultural Heritage Based on Digital Twin
ZHANG Zhi,DANG Anrong,CHEN Yang,LI Xiangyu,YU Jiangang
The Great Wall cultural heritage has long been exposed to natural environmental risks such as wind, water, and hail. Existing research tends to be theoretical, lacking empirical studies based on digital twin, particularly the simulation prediction of environmental disasters for the Great Wall cultural heritage. This paper combines the theoretical model of digital twin with practical cases to explore the impact of the wind environment on the Beijing Panlongshan section of the Great Wall through fluidstructure interaction analysis. It assesses the influence of wind on architectural structures and investigates the effects of variables such as vegetation and building volume on the wind environment. The experimental results demonstrate that digital twin can effectively predict the risk distribution of heritage under the influence of wind environments. Moreover, variations in vegetation and building volume significantly affect wind erosion, and simulation analysis of localized collapse arches reveals the mechanisms of heritage damage caused by strong winds and hail disasters.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Great Wall cultural heritage  digital twin  environment risk  wind environment simulation  heritage conservation

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