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基于“行为-环境”健康效用评价的滨水绿道 更新设计研究——以苏州市尹山湖绿道为例
作者简介:雷 诚 1977年生/男/广西灵川人/博士/南京大学建筑与城市规划学院教 授,博士生导师/中国技术经济学会低碳智慧城市专委会副主任 委员/研究方向为城市更新与城市设计、健康城市规划与环境设 计(南京 210093)
健康中国战略导向下,如何提升既有公共空间健康 服务水平成为当前研究焦点。为探索城市公共空间作用于人体 健康的积极作用,尝试引入医学领域“健康效用”理念构建评 价体系,以公众健康中“行为类型+环境要素”的关系为骨架, 以“行为需求+环境支持”的匹配特征为脉络,基于“体力行 为-多样性、自然体验行为-综合性、社会交往行为-均衡性”3 项匹配准则,建立既有城市公共空间“行为-环境”健康效用 评价体系。以承载居民最密集日常活动的滨水绿道展开类型实 证,结合苏州市尹山湖绿道案例,借IPA分析法提出“因子分 级+匹配识别”的评价方法,分析行为与环境的配对差异,辨析 影响滨水绿道健康效用提升的内因。据此提出滨水绿道环境更 新设计策略,以积极响应“健康中国”战略要求和环境更新需 求,助力健康城市建设。
关键词:  风景园林  行为-环境  健康效用评价  健康化更 新  滨水绿道  苏州尹山湖
Renewal Design of Waterfront Greenway Based onBehavior-Environment Health Benefits Evaluation:Case Study of Yinshan Lake Greenway in Suzhou
LEI Cheng,CHEN Yun,GU Yuqi
Improving the health performance of existing public spaces has become a current research focus under the Healthy China Strategy. Exploring the positive effects of urban public spaces on human health requires the introduction of the concept of "health benefits" in the medical field to construct an evaluation system, taking the relationship of "behavioral types + environmental factors" in public health as the framework, and the matching characteristics of "behavioral needs + environmental support" as the connection. Based on the above, a health benefits evaluation system for existing urban public spaces is established based on the three matching criteria of "physical behavior - diversity, natural experience behavior - comprehensiveness, and social interaction behavior - balance". Then, by the empirical evidence, specifically the case of Yinshan Lake Greenway, Suzhou, an evaluation method is proposed for analyzing the matching differences between behavior and environment. The method, called "factor grading + matching identification" by IPA analysis, also analyzes the internal factors that influence the improvement of the health benefits of the waterfront greenway. Thus, a design strategy for the environmental renewal of the waterfront greenway is proposed to actively respond to the requirements of the Healthy China Strategy and the demand for environmental renewal.
Key words:  landscape architecture  behavior-environment  health benefits evaluation  healthy environment renewal  waterfront greenway  Yinshan Lake Suzhou

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