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基于PLUS-InVEST模型的碳储量时空演变 与预测模拟
作者简介:王春晓 1988年生/女/黑龙江大庆人/深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院风景 园林系副主任,副教授,硕士生导师/中国风景园林学会国土景 观专业委员会青年委员/广东园林学会园林教育信息专业委员会 副秘书长/研究方向为土地利用覆盖变化、绿地公平与生态基础 设施(深圳 518060)
城市化的快速推进导致生态空间萎缩、景观破碎化等 问题,极大降低了城市生态系统的碳存储能力。在此背景下, 探究城市碳储量的时空演变特征、未来变化趋势及与景观格局 的空间关联性意义重大。以深圳市为研究对象,基于2000— 2020年土地利用数据,耦合PLUS-InVEST模型对土地利用和 碳储量的时空演变进行分析。设定多种情景发展模式,对不同 模式下土地利用和碳储量的变化进行预测模拟。最后,结合双 变量空间自相关分析碳储量与景观格局的关联性及空间集聚特 征。结果表明:1)2000—2020年深圳市碳储量呈下降趋势, 耕地、林地等生态用地向建设用地的转换是区域碳储量下降的 根源;2)未来3种情景下的碳储量和生态用地面积均明显下降, 其中生态优先情景下碳储量下降最少;3)在高度城市化区域, 碳储量与生态面积、景观破碎度均呈正相关关系,三者综合指 数的空间布局特征与人类活动的开发程度息息相关。研究结果 为土地紧缺的城市实现低碳高质量发展提供依据和参考。
关键词:  风景园林  土地利用  碳储量  多情景模拟  景 观格局  相关性分析
Spatial-temporal Evolution and Prediction Simulationof Carbon Storage Based on PLUS-InVEST Model
WANG Chunxiao,DENG Mengting,WANG Xuefei,HONG Wuyang
The rapid advance of urbanization leads to ecological space shrinking, landscape fragmentation and other problems, which greatly reduces the carbon sink capacity of urban ecosystems. In this context, it is of great significance to explore the temporal and spatial evolution characteristics, future trends and spatial correlation of urban carbon storage with landscape patterns. Based on the land use data from 2000 to 2020 in Shenzhen City, the spatial-temporal evolution of land use and carbon storage was analyzed by coupled PLUS-InVEST model. The changes of land use and carbon storage were predicted and simulated under different scenarios. Finally, the bivariate spatial autocorrelation was combined to analyze the correlation and the spatial agglomeration characteristics between carbon storage and landscape pattern. The results showed that: 1) Carbon storage in Shenzhen showed a downward trend from 2000 to 2020, and the conversion of ecological land such as cultivated land and forest land to construction land was the root cause of the decline of carbon storage in Shenzhen. 2) Carbon storage and ecological land area will decrease significantly under the three scenarios in the future, and carbon storage will decrease least under the ecological priority scenario. 3) In highly urbanized areas, carbon storage is positively correlated with ecological area and landscape fragmentation, and the spatial distribution characteristics of carbon storage, ecological space area, and landscape fragmentation index are closely related to the degree of exploitation of human activities. The research results can provide basis and reference for realizing low-carbon and highquality development in land shortage cities.
Key words:  landscape architecture  land use  carbon storage  multiscenario simulation  landscape pattern  correlation analysis

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