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多年龄段老年人出访公园可达性影响因素和 空间评价研究——以武汉市中心城区80个公园为例
作者简介:郑段雅 1986年生/女/湖北武汉人/武汉市园林建筑规划设计研究院有限 公司第四综合分院部门负责人,高级工程师/研究方向为风景园 林规划与设计(武汉 430014)
可达性是影响老年人出访公园的关键点之一,年龄 阶段、交通条件、公园数量与分布都会对老年人的实际可达性 距离产生影响。基于多源大数据,以武汉市中心城区范围内80 个公园和出行访问公园的11万人次老年人为研究对象,研究不 同年龄阶段的老年人出访公园的可达性距离和相关影响因素, 并据此展开空间评价。在可达性距离方面,数据统计显示,老 年人访问公园实际可达性距离约在6 km,“超标”情况普遍, 且在空间上以二环线为界,内外差异明显。在相关影响因素方 面,当公园可达性距离超过1.5 km时,随着距离的增加,年龄 越大的老人出访比例会越低;当公园与居住地的距离超过老年 人适宜的模式(步行2 km)时,老年人可能因不愿改变出行方式 而减少出行;当公园彼此布点距离在3 km以内时,随着布点密 度的增加,会一定程度上提升高龄老年人的出访意愿。在空间 评价方面,通过地理加权回归模型,发现汉阳西部、洪山中南 部居住的老年人出访公园出行比例异常偏低,三环线边缘的部 分公园较难吸引周边老年人出访。总体而言,一方面拓展了老 年人出访公园可达性的研究技术框架;另一方面能为相关规划 建设提供指引建议,实现理论与实践互促。
关键词:  风景园林  老年人  公园  可达性  空间句法  社会网络模型  武汉市
Research on the Influencing Factors and SpatialEvaluation of Travel Distance for Elderly PeopleVisiting Parks: Taking 80 Parks of Wuhan CentralUrban Area as an Example
ZHENG Duanya,ZHOU Xingyu,JI Donglan,DAI Shi,ZHAO Jie
Accessibility is one of the decisive key points affecting elderly people's visits to parks, and age stage, transportation conditions, number and distribution of parks all have an impact on the actual accessibility distance of elderly people. This article is based on multi-source big data, with 110,000 elderly people visiting 80 parks in the central urban area of Wuhan as the research object. The study focuses on three parts: the accessibility distance of elderly people, the influencing factors of accessibility, and the spatial evaluation based on the quantitative analysis. Some conclusions are drawn: In terms of accessibility distance, data statistics show that the accessibility distance of elderly people visiting parks is about 6 kilometers, the situation of "excess" is common, and there is a significant difference in space between the parks inside and outside the Second Ring Road. In terms of influencing factors, when the accessibility distance of the park exceeds 1.5 km, the proportion of elderly people visiting parks will decrease as the distance increases; when the distance between the park and the surrounding area exceeds 2 km, the proportion of elderly people's travel will decrease due to the increase in distance and unwillingness to change their travel mode; when the distance between park locations is within 3 km, the increase in park location density will significantly promote the willingness of elderly people to visit. In terms of spatial evaluation, through a geographic weighted regression model, the research finds some practical spatial problems such as abnormally low travel rates of elderly people living in the western part of Hanyang and the central and southern part of Hongshan visiting parks, and difficulty in attracting surrounding elderly people to visit the parks close to the Third Ring Road. Overall, this article not only expands the technical framework of research for the accessibility of elderly visitors to parks, but also provides guidance and suggestions for relevant planning and construction, achieving mutual promotion between theory and practice.
Key words:  landscape architecture  elderly people  park  accessibility  Space Syntax  Social Network Analysis  Wuhan City

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