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权力、场域与公私之变:民国无锡园林 转型的社会学解读
作者简介:许家瑞 1991年生/男/湖北宜昌人/博士/海南经贸职业技术学院人文艺术 学院讲师/中国风景园林学会理论与历史专业委员会青年委员/海 经贸人艺匠心工作室城乡建筑景观规划设计服务中心/研究方向 为风景园林历史与理论、风景园林规划与设计(海口 570100)
民国时期,无锡开创私人建园向公众免费开放之先 河,是中国近代园林史上一个极具代表性的缩影。而作为园主 的民族资产阶级,也以园林搭建了一个复杂的社会关系网。为 了研究园林转型背后的权力斗争,以布尔迪厄的场域理论进行 分析,链接了以往被忽视的零散非体系性史料。发现在权力、 经济与园林场域的交叠下,无锡的民族资产阶级对自我身份认 知发生变化,从而顺应时势而调整自身的位置。园林作为场 域,以争夺景观资本为中心,以交换经济与政治资本为目的, 使场域内的行动者形成了文人、社会教化者与商人3个方面取 向的惯习,从而促成了无锡民国园林中多样的布局与风格。
关键词:  :风景园林  民国  无锡  园林转型  权力  场 域  惯习
基金项目:海南经贸职业技术学院科研创新团队 (HNJMT2023-105);海南经贸职业技术学院高层次人才引进 科研启动项目(hnjmk2024303)
Power, Field, and Public-Private Transformation: ASociological Interpretation on the Transformation ofWuxi Gardens in the Republic of China Period
XU Jiarui
During the Republic of China period, Wuxi pioneered the free opening of private gardens to the public, which is a highly representative epitome of modern Chinese garden history. The national bourgeoisie, as the owners of gardens, also built a complex social network with gardens. In order to study the power struggle behind the transformation of gardens, Bourdieu's concept of field is used for analysis, linking scattered and unsystematic historical materials that were previously overlooked. It was found that under the intersection of power, economy, and garden fields, the national bourgeoisie in Wuxi had a change in their self-awareness and adjusted their position in response to the situation then. As a field, the garden, with the competition for landscape capital as the center and the exchange economy and political capital as the purpose, has formed the habitus of the actors in the field in three aspects of literati, social educators, and businessmen, thus contributing to the diversified layout and style of the gardens in Wuxi during the Republic of China period.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Republic of China  Wuxi  garden transformation  power  field  habitus

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