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坪坦河流域侗族聚落空间特征及其内生 逻辑
作者简介:孙 硕 1999年生/男/江苏徐州人/桂林理工大学旅游与风景园林学院硕 士/江苏师范大学研究实习员/研究方向为风景园林规划与设计 (桂林 541004)
侗族聚落是中华地域性文明的重要物质载体,明晰内 化在聚落中的空间特征和内生逻辑对地域文化的保护与传承具 有重要意义。以坪坦河流域侗族为例,利用GIS空间分析、边界 形状指数、空间句法,从流域聚落空间分布、村落空间环境结 构及村域空间形态特征三方面对聚落空间生成中的3类要素(村 落选址、外部边界与内部结构)进行深入剖析,探讨其空间逻 辑关系。研究表明:1)坪坦河流域侗族聚落呈现明显的空间集 聚,形成了以近水型村落占主导,择中上游而居,沿流域内线 性水网分布的特点;2)聚落空间环境呈现“山、林、寨、水、 田”等要素组成的立体化景观空间结构序列,但不同空间类型 的聚落空间形态特征存在明显差异;3)聚落边界形态以指状和 带状形态边界为主,内部形成以鼓楼等为核心的空间引领村落 发展,存在明显的等级与秩序,不同空间类型的聚落形态特征 量化数值有着明显的范围区间;4)聚落空间在自适应生态、自 组织社会和自发展生存3种逻辑机制的耦合中呈现多样化的空间 特征。在此基础上提出流域聚落空间保护的策略引导。
关键词:  风景园林  空间特征  逻辑机制  地方性景观  侗族聚落
A Study on the Spatial Characteristics andEndogenous Logic of the Dong Ethnic Settlementsin the Pingtan River Basin
SUN Shuo,ZHENG Wenjun,WEI Wanjin,FENG Huaiyu
The Dong ethnic settlement is an important material carrier of Chinese regional civilization. It is of great significance to the protection and inheritance of culture to clarify the spatial characteristics and endogenous logic of internalization in the settlement. Taking the Dong ethnic settlement in the Pingtan River basin as an example, using GIS spatial analysis, boundary shape index, and spatial syntax, this paper analyzes the location, external boundary and internal structure of the three main elements in the generation of settlement space, from the overall spatial distribution of the basin and the environmental structure of the village space to the spatial morphological characteristics of the village, and discusses the logical relationship of internalization in space. It shows that: 1) The Dong ethnic settlements show obvious spatial agglomeration characteristics, forming the characteristics of dominated by near water villages, living in the middle and upper reaches, and distributed along the linear water network in the basin. 2) The overall settlement scale presents the threedimensional environmental spatial characteristics of "mountain, forest, village, water, and field", but there are obvious differences in the spatial morphological characteristics of different spatial types of settlements. 3) Under the influence of the landscape pattern, the settlement boundary forms are mainly finger-shaped and beltshaped; in the settlement, the interior forms a space with the drum tower as the core to lead the development of the village, and there is obvious hierarchy and order. At the same time, the quantitative values of the settlement form characteristics of different space types have obvious range. 4) The settlement space presents diversified spatial characteristics in the dynamic induction of three logical mechanisms of adaptive ecology, self-organized society and selfsurvival and development. On this basis, strategic guidance for the protection of watershed settlement space is proposed.
Key words:  landscape architecture  spatial features  logic mechanism  local landscape  Dong ethnic settlement

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