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作者简介:张碧媛 1997年生/女/辽宁朝阳人/广州市林业和园林科学研究院研发 员/广东广州城市生态系统国家定位观测研究站成员/广东省木本 花卉工程技术研究中心研究人员/广州园林植物科技资源圃研究 人员/研究方向为园林植物应用(广州 510405)
共调查了广州市2 408条道路、312个公园绿地植物 资源,分析了广州市园林植物应用现状和特点,结果表明,调 查区域内共有维管植物1 020种,隶属159科、549属。其中 乔木409种、灌木305种、草本和藤本306种,分别占植物总 数的40.10%、29.90%和30.00%,从科属区系组成来看,热 带、亚热带分布特征显著;常用乡土植物441种,占植物总数 的43.23%,乡土植物仍具有较大开发潜力;观花植物种类丰 富,占植物总数的29.22%;与华南地区其他城市相比色叶植 物种类较多,共169种,占比16.57%;古树名木资源丰富,共 计41科100种9 940株;入侵植物共计29种,种类多,且南美 蟛蜞菊、马缨丹被广泛用作地被植物。此次调查为近年来广州 市园林植物应用现状提供了较为全面的基础资料,并为今后广 州园林绿地植物应用提出了建议。
关键词:  园林植物  广州市  本底调查  应用特点分析
Investigation and Application Characteristics ofCommon Garden Plants in Guangzhou
ZHANG Biyuan,RUAN Lin,LI Zhiqi,LIN Wen,DAI Seping
In this study, plant resources of 2,408 road green spaces and 312 park green spaces in Guangzhou were investigated, and the application status and characteristics of garden plants in Guangzhou were analyzed. The results showed that there were 1,020 species of vascular plants. belonging to 549 genera and 159 families. There were 409 species of trees, 305 species of shrubs, 306 species of herbs and lianas, accounting for 40.10%, 29.90% and 30.00% of the total plant species, respectively. From the floristic composition of plant families and genera, the distribution characteristics of common vascular plants in Guangzhou were obvious in tropical and subtropical regions. There are 441 native plants in common use, accounting for 43.23% of the total plant species, and native plants still have a large potential for exploitation. The species of flowering plants were abundant, accounting for 29.22% of the total plant species. Compared with other cities in South China, there were 169 species of color leaf plants, accounting for 16.57%. There are abundant ancient and famous trees, with 9,940 trees of 100 species in 41 families. There are 29 species of invasive plants, among which Sphagneticola trilobata and Lantana camara are widely used as ground cover plants. This survey provides more comprehensive basic data for the application of garden plants in Guangzhou in recent years, and puts forward suggestions for the future application of garden green plants in Guangzhou.
Key words:  landscape plant  Guangzhou city  background investigation  analysis of application characteristics

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